Monday, November 21, 2011


As a newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetic, I am finding my way around a new landscape:  carb counting.  This is a whole new world, with strange (to me) products, ingredients, and understandings of what makes blood glucose rise and fall.

I'm calling it Lowcarblandia.

So far, I've read a number of books about diabetes, including Blood Sugar 101, Diabetes for Dummies, and The Diabetes Solution.  I'm in the process of reading Good Calories, Bad Calories.

The basic understandings I've gained about controlling blood sugar are that carbohydrates raise blood sugar and it is a good idea to learn how to count carbs and keep the amounts down to a minimum.

In fact, I've been doing this for several months while taking the basic medication, Metformin, and my blood sugar readings have come down to closer to normal.

I'm not too worried about calories or fat in my diet.  My attitude is: Count the carbs and the calories will take care of themselves.

Some of the books I've read point out clearly that the theories surrounding cholesterol's supposed link to heart disease are unproven, and I choose to accept this based on my observations.  So, the recipes and products included on this blog will reflect my current understandings.

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